Preparations Preparations

one-fine-day-bridal-fair-market-expo-sydney-melbourne-hello-may-magazine24 The next OFD in Sydney is just around the corner. 3 more sleeps, eeek! Looking forward to seeing all the other vendor crowd again. I have been preparing in between makeup jobs all week. The printer is running to finsih all the latest photos of my work and all the little decorations and planning are coming together. The exciting news are that there will be a fashion show, that I am teaming up with some of the other great artists, to do the makeup for the models in the morning. Can't wait!

I better go back to work...I will be back with more news soon.

Win A Double Pass For OFD Sydney

One Fine Day 2013 Recap from Paper Cranes Productions on Vimeo.

I told you already how excited I am about the upcoming ONE FINE DAY To celebrate the launch of their brand new website, they are giving away tickets to the next Sydney event! I thought I share the video of the last event in Sydney, to get you in the mood! If you are bride to be and looking for some amazing inspiration and a fun weekend go over here to my facebook page and enter!


Lace a wonderful shoot for Polka Dot Bride

1045153_880183114032_778835365_n Sometimes you just get to work with the loveliest people. Like with the dream team for this lace inspired wedding photo shoot. The wonderfully talented artist and stylist Alice Richards, who wrapped trees in Lace , the genius behind the camera Lisa Diederich and the loved up couple Deborah & Myles, I had a wonderful time. How gorgeous is Deb's red hair? It was such a pleasure styling it and doing her bridal makeup. Check out Polka Dot Bride for the full feature and credits! I really made some new friends on this shoot! Thanks everyone for being so awesome.

Liv At The Lane

Do you know The Lane? If you somehow managed to miss THE most stylish and coolest website for wedding inspiration, check it out NOW. I have always really loved browsing through their dreamy and cool editorials and was over the moon when I got invited to join their Directory of hand picked strictly edited vendors. I am so so happy and grateful to be listed in this amazing directory. They also wrote up this little feature about me. Reading it really made my day. Read it here. And might actually celebrate a little tonight...