Gold Rush Eye Balm - No words...


So...if you were to ask me about my fave eye-cream there are a few that come to my mind.

100% Pure does a great coffee bean eye-cream, then there is this special Eye Love coffee eye serum by Raaw In A Jar both which are AMAZEBALLS for dark circles and puffiness. (and of course, they are vegan, toxin-free and cruelty-free)

But my all-around favourite eye cream of the year (and the winner of my non-existing very own beauty award) is Edible Beauty's Gold Rush Eye Balm! 
It just does it all. Everything you would want in an eye cream, there you have it!
Hydration, dark circles, lines & wrinkles...this one tackles them all.
It looks pretty too. Now, just remember to only use a very small amount and always dab, not rub it into the skin. The gold flakes will actually melt into the skin and won't be visible after application. 

This review is written by a slightly sleep deprived working young Mama!
Who else would you trust about eye-cream? Also: I have to admit that I have been slack with using eye-treatments since Faye was born...until I saw myself in recent photos...
I used to use this one and then somehow, it was just one of the things that I forgot about during pregnancy.
Well, my skin has improved a lot very quickly with this, so I would def recommend it!



Why I Am Raising My Daughter Vegan & Health Expert Interview


If you know me, have been reading this blog or are following me on Instagram you have probably noticed that I am vegan. I believe this is the kindest, healthiest and most respectful lifestyle and like all normal, loving parents, I will do what I think is best for my children.
It's better for the planet and other humans, as world hunger and thirst would easily be resolved with a vegan diet, it's better for your own health (if you are following a balanced plant-based diet), it's better for the animals! So it's a win-win-win situation :)
Some people have asked me lately if I will bring up my daughter to be vegan. Some with concerned looks on their faces, others with genuine interest on the topic. The answer is:
Yes, absolutely! Please read on if you are interested in the scientific evidence and also a great video interview with a professional!

Let's clear up the facts right from the start with the unbiased and official statement by the American Dietetic Association here. If you don't want to click over here it is summed up for you:

" It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes."

I realised that many people are very misinformed when it comes to nutritional advice.
Although I always do the very extended research myself, I wanted to share an expert interview with you on this topic. I am very thrilled to have been able to speak to the well-respected Naturopath & Health Science Expert Robyn Chuter, who is much more articulate than I am and also a professional in this field.
She will share with you the scientific evidence that supports plant-based eating.

I really hope you enjoy this special in-depth interview that will help you understand more about how and why vegan children are thriving.

(Okay, the odds were against us when I was recording this video. We had to do it twice and unfortunately the second recording the internet connection was getting weak and little Faye deconstructed my microphone...but hey, the facts and content are still good, so cut this new Mama some slack with the technical issues!)

Are you inspired to make a change? Here are some of the great resources to get started with a plant-based diet as mentioned in the Video:

 Watch the documentaries:

What The Health

Forks Over Knives

Eating You Alive

Check out the websites:  

The Plantrician Project ( Quick Start Guide) 
 Empower Total Health
Dr. McDougall


Turmeric Latte - Why I have been drinking it for years

Have you had a Turmeric Latte yet?

It seems like the next hip health drink trend but Turmeric Milk is so much more. It's not just a fashion, quite the opposite it's actually been an ancient natural remedy in India. Popular with Yogi's for longer than anyone would be able to remember. They call it Golden Milk. 

I came across Golden Milk many years ago through my Kundalini Yoga practice. Whenever I felt my body needed some healing support I made myself a daily turmeric drink for a few weeks. I have always made it as a vegan version with creamy soy milk or delicious coconut milk as a soothing night time drink. I used to follow the original Indian recipe making the paste from spices from scratch. 

Now I buy a ready made mixture and just stir it into warm soy milk. Too easy!!! And it's extra tasty too. With a mix of spices and natural vanilla, it's extremely comforting. I use Turmeric Latte Mix by Nature's Harvest. It's a beautiful blend of organic spices and of course, it's vegan.

I have been having a Tumeric Latte every morning (replacing coffee and avoiding caffeine while breastfeeding a newborn) since I had our little Faye arrived.
But not just because it tastes so good...The health benefits are really amazing. It does so many things and is not only safe but beneficial during breastfeeding too.
I have listed some fun facts for the health nerds below:

Health Benefits of Turmeric

A high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and traditionally has been known to lower risk of heart disease, prevent cancer, support healthy brain function, and treat arthritic conditions. The spice is full of nutrients, such as vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients.
The latest research has even shown that Turmeric is able to kill cancer cells!

Beauty Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric also makes you more beautiful...well kind of:
The health benefits of turmeric include an improved ability to digest fats, reducing gas and bloating, decreased congestion, and improved skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

Breastfeeding Benefits of Turmeric

Many women have problems with swollen breasts and clogged milk ducts, which can be very painful for nursing mums and can lead to more serious complications like mastitis. Turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation in nursing mothers’ breasts, so they can continue to feed and remain healthy.
The herb contains antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that help enhance your immunity and protect you from a cough, cold, and the flu while nursing your baby.
Turmeric helps regulate body weight, increase the flow of bile, and prevent the risk of weight gain, and obesity for lactating mums. Have a teaspoon of turmeric powder after your meals to maintain a healthy weight. Isn't this great? Spread the word and tell all breastfeeding Mamas out there.

Benefits of Turmeric Latte Mix

All of the above PLUS:

Another high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory may improve some key risk factors for heart disease, including cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure, as well as help balance blood sugar levels.
Traditionally used to treat nausea and morning sickness, it’s antiinflammatory properties may also help relieve muscle pain while it’s gingerol can help lower your risk of infections.
Similar to ginger in its use for digestive concerns, it is also a detoxifier, mild diuretic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory.
Used to decrease pain and inflammation, help control weight by stimulating metabolism and prevent disease with its antioxidant content.
Vanilla is a true medicinal food that has been used for centuries, and an everyday ‘superfood’. It’s especially powerful at enhancing brain and mood health.
Black Pepper
Enhances nutrient absorption and bioavailability of Turmeric and improves digestion.

Third trimester Survival Tips & Essentials

liv lundelius pregnancy maternity shoot belly shot

Photo by Gabriela Fearn from our Maternity Session

The third trimester will get uncomfortable everyone warned me.

Mine was pretty fine.
No major symptoms. A few sleepless nights here and there, a few leg cramps but overall I have felt energised and was able to exercise and enjoy my days. Now in my final days, I do feel the weight and pressure of our baby girl and definitely feel some discomfort, but nothing so major that it would keep me from walking.

I do feel that my vegan plant-based diet has contributed to this a lot! When you eat well, you feel well, your body does have energy naturally and you feel emotionally more balanced too.

I made a big commitment to myself to really look after myself during this special time, no matter how busy life and work got, I made my health and wellbeing a priority. And trust me, I know it's not always easy, but at the same time, there is nothing more important to do.

I am by no means an expert and this is my first pregnancy, yet all the things below have made my life so much easier and helped me feeling great during this final trimester:

Body Products / Cosmetics For The Third Trimester

Magnesium Spray & Bath Salts
Read my review about them here. If I ever got sore after too much exercise or just from too much standing or baby pressing on my lower back and pelvis a bath in these sorted me out real quick.
It also really helps with sleep, which is another common problem for many in the third trimester, as it can get a little harder to get comfy with this big belly. A warm bath in these at the end of the day really helped to knock me out and get the best sleep.

Face Tan Water
I have been raving about it before. It just helps my skin look more even and glowing without using makeup, which I kinda got too lazy for lately.
Read my review here

Perineum Massage Oil
I got myself a bottle of the Weleda Perineum Massage Oil. I will keep you updated after birth if it helped at all.
I thought it won't hurt to try it. It's developed by midwives and absolutely safe.
The idea is to keep the area well hydrated and elastic to help stretch the skin and prevent any tearing during birth.

Favourite Exercises During The Third Trimester

Gurmukhs Prenatal Kundalini Yoga
I did a class I found on Youtube over and over, as I missed out to get myself the official DVD's earlier. So: My hot tip is on getting your hands on these in time at the beginning of pregnancy. She is such an amazing teacher and I always feel great after this class.

It's probably not really news to you, but I still wanted to mention that walking has been great. Not comfortable at all days, but always worth it. Walking lots during pregnancy is recommended everywhere, helps the baby into a good position and has countless other benefits.

I envisioned myself being able to swim every day in this third trimester, but the weather in March this year was rather horrendous and lead to too much pollution in the harbour beaches around my house on most days. I still managed to swim as much as possible and it always made me SO happy. I just doing normal breaststroke laps, nothing that looks like an olympic sport. ( I am not that sporty!) But even these simple movements and the water supporting the weight, just felt magical every time.

Favourite Meditations During The Third Trimester

I also thought I would meditate every morning during the last trimester since being off work for the last weeks. I am usually quite committed to my practice, but I also wanted to enjoy my sleep. So I did do regular meditations, but not every morning.

Kundalini Meditations from Gurmukhs book Bountiful Beautiful Blissful
Meditations from the Calmbirth Course
(If your partner is up for it, it's really great doing meditations together, Dave and I have been doing some of the partner meditations in Gurmukhs book and also listened to the Calmbirth meditations together)

My fit ball, or also called labour ball by the midwives. I just got myself a cheapy one from Kmart and used it to sit on when working on my desk. It really helps with posture. And posture is kind of a big deal when the growing belly & boobs are pulling you forward. Exercise, of course, helps to open up the chest and to stretch out the shoulders, but I still catch myself in the mirror slouching a lot. The ball is also great for little labour prep exercises and apparently an amazing tool in labour too. We will see...

My Favourite Foods & Superfoods During the Third Trimester

Raw Protein Powder
Dave always tells me I don't need it, but since you DO need more protein during pregnancy and it fills me up, stops cravings and also helps me with exercise plus makes my smoothie bowls taste extra creamy and tasty I have been loving it! It's true though that you won't NEED isolated proteins to your diet. This one , which I have also used in my Bliss Ball recipe, is a very healthy, balanced, organic, wholefoods one though and again, I have been loving it!

Everything that is fermented and probiotic!
As baby inherits your gut flora, which is the base for all good health and a healthy immune system, it's important to load up on these foods during pregnancy. Besides that it helps to keep you regular and keeps you overall happy and healthy.
I incorporated the following:

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother
I use it in salad dressings, but also like to drink a tablespoon mixed in a glass of water.
It also helps to stabilise blood sugar and to avoid sweet cravings.

Kimchi (which also has garlic and spices that work as prebiotics!)
I am addicted to the one that About Life makes, they have it in their fresh food bar and also sell their own jars of it, although it's often sold out. If you live in Sydney, you have to try this one! Husband is a fan as well.

Coconut Water Kefir, I really love the taste. It reminds me of Champagne. (Yeah, I am weird!)
This is a watery sparkling drink, I am NOT talking about Coconut Kefir, which is a rich yoghurt like food, which is made from Coconut Milk. It's healthy too, but I much prefer just taking a sip of the Water Kefir and found the other one too creamy tasting.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
It's an old natural herbal remedy to tone the uterus and prepare it for birth. There are so many different recommendations on when to start and how much to drink. I checked with our doula and recommend you ask your providers for approval and do your own research. I really enjoy the taste, but I know many don't and mixes it with other herbs, drink it as iced tea etc.

Lots of fresh food and veggies!
Duh... You have heard this one before, I bet!
Starting every day with a smoothie bowl gives me a portion of greens already right when I wake up. I will share my favourite recipe on the blog soon! I have had salads for lunch and steamed, grilled or baked veggies for dinner...Veggies, veggies, veggies. And fruit snacks ofcourse! If I really wanted something sweet I had a Bliss Ball or made myself a Dandelion Chai Latte with Soy Milk. Sometimes also a Tumeric Latte, yum....

That's it! I hope you enjoyed it. Again, these are just things that have worked for me. Everyone is different and so is every pregnancy, always check with your providers about exercise, foods and supplements that are suitable for you.